Falla Sheet Music

Free Falla Sheet Music

Manuel de Falla (1876–1946) contributed significantly to the traditional Spanish folk elements. Among his most celebrated pieces are the ballet "El amor brujo" (Love the Magician), a passionate flamenco-tinged masterpiece; the opera "La vida breve" (The Short Life), a poignant tale of love and loss; and the puppet opera "El retablo de Maese Pedro" (Master Peter's Puppet Show), a satirical gem. For those seeking a showcase of his masterful piano writing, the "Siete Canciones Populares Españolas" (Seven Popular Spanish Songs) offer a captivating glimpse into Spain's musical heritage.

Popular Falla Sheet Music

Manuel de Falla’s Siete Canciones Populares Españolas (Seven Popular Spanish Songs) is a set of seven songs for soprano and piano, composed in 1914. The songs are arranged from traditional Spanish folk songs, and they feature Falla’s characteristically lush melodies and harmonies. The songs are all in Spanish, and they tell a variety of stories and emotions, from love and …

Manuel de Falla’s La Vida Breve (The Short Life) is a two-act opera in Spanish, with a libretto by Carlos Fernández Shaw. It was first performed in 1913 in Nice, France, and has since become one of the most popular Spanish operas of all time. The opera tells the story of Salud, a young gypsy woman who is in love …

Manuel de Falla’s El amor brujo (Love the Magician) is more than just a ballet; it’s a blistering flamenco inferno, a passionate tango with the supernatural, and a love story that transcends the boundaries of life and death. Composed in 1915, this masterpiece continues to captivate audiences with its fiery rhythms, haunting melodies, and raw emotion. The story follows Candelas, …