
Free Robert Schumann Sheet Music

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) was a German composer and pianist known for his profound influence on Romantic music. Schumann co-founded the influential music journal "Neue Zeitschrift für Musik" and composed a wide range of music, including piano works, lieder (art songs), and symphonies. His passionate relationship with Clara Wieck, a talented pianist and composer, played a significant role in his life. Schumann was a virtuoso pianist, and his piano compositions are an integral part of his oeuvre. Pieces like "Carnaval," "Kinderszenen," and the Piano Concerto in A Minor remain staples of the piano repertoire.

Popular Robert Schumann Sheet Music

“Weihnachtslied,” which translates to “Christmas Song” in English, is a charming piano piece that reflects Schumann’s mastery in conveying emotion through music. Composed in 1848, it is a part of his larger collection, “Album für die Jugend” (Album for the Young), which aims to provide musical education and enjoyment for young pianists. This piece is characterized by its melodic simplicity …

Schumann’s Symphony No. 4, Op. 120, is a splendid example of Schumann’s romantic symphonic style. Its history of revisions and its rich, emotional content make it an intriguing piece for both performers and listeners. The first movement opens with a rich and expressive melody, demonstrating Schumann’s melodic prowess. The Romanza is lyrical and introspective, providing a stark contrast to the …

Adventlied, Op. 71 is a setting of a poem by Friedrich Rückert that speaks of the anticipation of the coming of Christ. The text is full of longing and hope, and Schumann’s music captures this mood perfectly. The work is written in a grand and festive style, with soaring melodies and rich harmonies. It is a popular choice for choral …

“Kinderszenen,” or “Scenes from Childhood” in English, is a captivating set of thirteen short piano pieces composed by Robert Schumann. Titles like “Of Foreign Lands and People,” “Curious Story,” “Pleading Child,” and “The Poet Speaks” provide a narrative context that enriches the music. The use of titles adds depth to the listening experience and allows the pianist to connect with …

“Träumerei” is part of Schumann’s collection of piano pieces titled “Kinderszenen” or “Scenes from Childhood.” The title translates to “Dreaming” in English, reflecting the piece’s introspective and nostalgic nature. The melody unfolds with gentle phrasing and a sense of wistfulness, making it a favorite among musicians and audiences alike. Transcribing piano compositions for the violin requires careful consideration of the …

Robert Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54, is admired for its emotional depth and its unique blend of introspection and passion. It stands as a testament to Schumann’s distinctive style within the Romantic period. Many pianists, including Clara Schumann (Robert Schumann’s wife and a gifted pianist), have championed this concerto and contributed to its enduring popularity. Performing Schumann’s …

“Papillons, Op. 2” is a set of twelve short pieces for piano, composed by Robert Schumann in 1831-1832. The title “Papillons” translates to “Butterflies” in English, and it hints at the whimsical and ephemeral nature of the music. Schumann himself described these pieces as “carnival masked ball scenes,” and they are meant to convey the ambiance of a masquerade ball, …

Adventlied, Op. 71 is a sacred choral work for mixed voices and orchestra by Robert Schumann, composed in 1848. The text is a poem by Friedrich Rückert, “Dein König kommt in niedern Hüllen” (“Your King comes in humble guise”). The work is a festive and triumphant celebration of the coming of Christ, with a strong emphasis on hope and renewal. …